The Gang Enforcement Company, LLC has one simple but not so easy objective; to be the #1 provider of training, resources, and strategic, tactical and operational assistance for all those impacted by and/or charged with combatting today's gang threat with a focus of reducing today's gang crime and gang violence.
A few of the disciplines we serve are:
- Local, State, Federal and International Law Enforcement Agencies
- Local, State, Federal and International Correctional Agencies
- Private Corrections Corporations
- Juvenile Justice Agencies
- State and Federal Court Systems
- State and Federal Prosecutors
- United States Military Police
- Gang Prevention & Intervention Organizations & Facilities
- School Boards & School Systems
- Private Security Industry
- Entertainment Industry (Movies, Music, Video Games)
- Hospitals
- News Media (Interviews & Contributors)
Our cadre has an extensive background and can provide a variety of specialized services. This experience allows clients to have access to an unmatched level of law enforcement, corrections, tactical and gang enforcement operations. The Gang Enforcement Company has one of the highest levels of gang training standards, accountability and client service processes in the industry.