The Gang Enforcement Company provides a variety of gang training, consulting and networking services to support gang officers and gang prevention professionals throughout the country and around the world.
ONLINE GANG TRAININGWe have embraced the digital age, and the way of onsite learning isn't always an option so we can provide agencies with a modern and mobile-friendly online training environment that can provide professional training without officers needing to travel.
ENFORCER NETWORKGANGTEK is a real-time information sharing network that allows gang enforcers around the world the ability to connect, communicate and share information with fellow officers about current gang trends, enforcement tactics and reduction strategies.
ENFORCER MEMBERSHIPBlack Team One is the global standard in how we prepare today’s Gang Enforcers for tomorrow and tomorrow’s Gang Enforcers; today as gang specialists who develop a robust network that can develop and execute new strategies to effectively combat gang crime.
GANG CONSULTINGOur cadre of Knowledge Advisors and Gang Specialists have extensive backgrounds in a plethora of gang-related threat areas and can provide a variety of specialized consulting services to local, state, federal and international agencies, legal, media, and the entertainment industry.
KEYNOTE SPEAKINGOur cadre of Knowledge Advisors and Gang Specialists provide us with the capability to deliver powerful Keynotes; whether you are an agency, organization, association, non-profit, for-profit or legislative assembly ranging from Team Leadership to Gang Prevention.
TRAINING EVENTSWe provide variety of onsite training, strategy and intelligence sharing events for criminal justice agencies around the country. These events are also available for agencies to host, at their facility, upon request for a more personalized training environment.